Malatang, also known as Spicy Hot Pot.

Malatang originated in niuhua Town, Leshan City, Sichuan Province. It was the boatman and the tracker who first created the spicy hot, a simple and unique way to eat. Congcheng

They all go to the Chuanjiang River Basin of the Three Gorges. Due to the rapid flow of water, trackers have become an indispensable landscape. In addition to pulling fibers, they set up stones and pots by the river,

Pick up some branches as dry firewood to make a fire, and scoop up a few scoops of river water. Everything is based on local materials. If there are vegetables, put them in. If there are no vegetables, pull out some wild vegetables to top up, and then put them in sea pepper, prickly ash, etc

Seasoning, rinsed and eaten, can not only satisfy the stomach, but also expel cold and dampness. This kind of eating method quickly spread along the river because of its simplicity. Later, the small on the dock
Seeing the business opportunities, the peddler transformed the dishes and stoves, placed them at both ends of the burden, shouted as he walked, and the people selling labor by the river and Bridge surrounded him

The burden became a regular visitor. Now, Malatang is also gradually walking from the river to the shore.

Northeast people have improved and reshaped Sichuan Malatang. Sichuan Malatang is characterized by heavy Ma and spicy, which is difficult to be accepted by people outside Sichuan and Chongqing

The improved spicy hot soup made by northerners, big bone soup bottom and softer seasoning, the original spicy heavy taste is changed from soup bottom to optional small ingredients, and the red oil soup is no longer available

It is an essential element, but an option. Instead, it is the sesame paste with great northern characteristics. The production method has also changed from rinsing and scalding to cooking with a large pot of bone soup

In the form of divided dishes, add spices according to everyone’s taste needs. The improved spicy scalding fire has spread all over China, and has also made many Northeast spicy scalding companies

Lock brand. On the basis of northeast Malatang in Fushun, Liaoning Province, the soup is subtracted to derive Fushun Malatang.

The above pictures are spicy and hot. The name is spicy, spicy and hot. It is worthy of the name. The entrance is spicy and fragrant. It is very delicious.

Some friends have come to China to eat hot pot, especially Chongqing hot pot. What is the difference between Chongqing hot pot and Malatang?

In fact, there is not much difference between the two, but Chongqing hot pot is suitable for a group of friends to eat together, which is more formal, while Malatang is suitable for fast food, so some people describe it

Malatang is a person’s hot pot, hot pot is a group of people’s Malatang! You can eat spicy hot every day, but you can’t eat hot pot every day.

As a common spicy hot pot in the street, put a large pot on the stove,Sometimes the ingredients are strung together with bamboo sticks, and put all kinds of stringed chicken offal, beef offal, small intestine, large intestine, various fish balls, meatballs

Powder pills, dried tofu, etc; Add boiling old soup into the pot, and then you can apply all kinds of spices at will. They are spicy and spicy. They taste spicy, spicy and hot

Rich and cheap.

We should know why the Beijing Winter Olympics is spicy hot rather than hot pot. If we celebrate together, we can eat hot pot