At the Beijing Olympic Games, the scene of a little sister in Malta eating steamed stuffed buns exploded. I think he ate bean paste buns. Anyway, Chinese steamed stuffed buns have a long history.

According to the introduction in Baidu Encyclopedia
Steamed stuffed bun, originally known as steamed bread and also known as cage cake, was invented by Zhuge Liang. It is a staple food with a strong sense of satiety. It is a traditional Chinese food and an indispensable food in people’s life.
According to legend, after Zhuge Liang captured Meng Huo in seven moves, the army couldn’t cross the river when he went to Lushui, so he cut the beef and mutton into meat sauce and mixed it into meat stuffing, wrapped it with flour and made it into a human head. After sacrifice, the army crossed smoothly. This kind of sacrifice was called “manshou”, also known as “Mantou”, which was later called “steamed bread”.

zhuge kongming

The word “steamed stuffed bun” first appeared in the Song Dynasty. Before that, it was mainly called “steamed bread”. It is said that it was invented by Zhuge Liang when he conquered Meng Huo. Its shape is human head. Later, with the development and evolution of history, it was gradually changed to bird meat stuffing. However, the history of Chinese eating steamed bread can be traced back to the Warring States period, which was called “steamed bread” at that time. During the Three Kingdoms period, steamed bread had its own official name, which was called “Man Tou”. Lang Ying of the Ming Dynasty wrote in the seven revision manuscript: “the original name of steamed bread is Man Tou. Meng Huo, the conqueror of Zhuge, ordered bread meat as the head and sacrifice, which is called” Man Tou “. Now it is falsely called steamed bread.” After the emergence of the name of “steamed stuffed bun” in the Song Dynasty, the name of “steamed bread” has not declined. Until the Qing Dynasty, the appellations of “steamed stuffed bun” and “steamed bread” gradually differentiated. While Wuyu district and other places still retain the ancient name, calling those with stuffing “steamed bread”, such as “fried steamed bread”, “crab flour steamed bread” and so on.

Steamed stuffed buns are made of noodles and stuffing. They are made of meat stuffing or vegetarian stuffing. The prepared steamed stuffed buns have thin skin and many fillings, which are soft and delicious. You can also make all kinds of patterns. Charmingly naive, animal, plant, flower, all kinds of patterns for people to taste.

To sum up, the difference between steamed bread and steamed stuffed bun is whether there is stuffing….Steamed bread is like this

The steamed stuffed bun is like this

In the above picture, the pleated fillings are mostly meat or vegetable fillings

Bean paste bag is like this.

Bean paste bag used to be popular in Beijing and Tianjin, but now it is available all over China. This is Xinjiang roast steamed stuffed bun
Of course, there are many kinds of fillings

There are all kinds of good-looking steamed stuffed buns

Does it look delicious. ha-ha

Like steamed stuffed buns, they are dumplings and Shaomai. For example, the following figure: we won’t introduce them today. Why don’t we talk about them in the next issue

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