valine: appId: xxxxxxxxxxx # leancloud application app id appKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxx # leancloud application app key pageSize: 10 # comment list page size avatar: monsterid # gravatar style notify: true lang: en # i18n: zh-CN/zh-TW/en/ja placeholder: Please leave your footprints # valine comment input placeholder (like: Please leave your footprints) guest_info: nick,mail,link # valine comment header info (nick/mail/link) recordIP: false # Record reviewer IP serverURLs: # This configuration is suitable for domestic custom domain name users, overseas version will be automatically detected (no need to manually fill in) bg: # valine background emojiCDN: # emoji CDN enableQQ: true # enable the Nickname box to automatically get QQ Nickname and QQ Avatar requiredFields: nick,mail # required fields (nick/mail) visitor: true # Article reading statistic comment_count: true # If false, comment count will only be displayed in post page, not in home page option:
comments: # Up to two comments system, the first will be shown as default # Choose: Disqus/Disqusjs/Livere/Gitalk/Valine/Waline/Utterances/Facebook Comments/Twikoo use: - Valine # - Disqus text: true # Display the comment name next to the button # lazyload: The comment system will be load when comment element enters the browser's viewport. # If you set it to true, the comment count will be invalid lazyload: false count: true # Display comment count in post's top_img card_post_count: false # Display comment count in Home Page